Saturday, November 15, 2008

I've Been Tagged!

8 TV shows I watch:
1. One Tree Hill
2. Gossip Girl
3. Grey's Anatomy
4. Samantha Who?
5. Top Chef
6. 90210 (The new one)
7. Privileged
8. Law and Order SVU

8 Things that happened yesterday
1. I slept in (thanks honey!)
2. I went visiting teaching
3. I started my Medical Transcriptionist Training! (yay!)
4. I made my husband and kids cheese quesadillas
5. I did my diet religiously for one day!
6. I went and got tickets to Twilight!!
7. I painted my stuff for Super Saturday
8. I went to bed at 9:45 p.m.

8 Favorite places to eat
1. Olive Garden
2. Red Lobster
3. Texas Roadhouse
4. Goodwood BBQ
5. Johnny Carinos
6. El Tapatio
7. McDonald's (It's my guilty pleasure)
8. Panda Express

8 Things I am Looking Forward to:
1. Having my husband home for more than 3 days at a time
2. The Holidays!
3. Riley being seizure free for a year (almost!)
4. Losing more weight
5. Riley's 3rd Birthday
6. Haley going into nursery at church
7. Riley starting pre-school
8. Finishing my training
8 Things on my wish list
1. A real vacation with my husband
2. Riley being able to walk or even crawl for that matter
3. Haley being able to say "I love you mommy"
4. Living in a house on a piece of land that is big enough for all of our stuff
5. Owning a vehicle (I mean actually owning one, not leasing)
6. Getting down to my pre marriage weight
7. getting out of debt
8. Have enough money to not have to live paycheck to paycheck
8 Tagged People
1. Koren
2. Dallas
3. Amber
4. Samantha
5. Garret
6. Eva
7. Ashlee
8. Steff (so you'd better get your blog up and running!)


Meghan said...

What is Samantha Who? I love talking to you about shows. So you'd better call me all the time, especially after I move because I probably will miss the rest of the season of Gossip Girl. I don't know what I will do with out my C and B fix for the week.

Dallas and Shelby Scoffield said...

I am recently a closet One Tree Hill fan too! Hailey sent me home with the 1st season on DVD and I am getting very little done. I'm also a Grey's fan. Gotta love it!