Tonight Riley and I were playing after Haley had gone to bed and I decided to take pictures of him to show you how good he is learning to sit up and be on his hands and knees. This is the bulk of what he is learning to do in physical therapy right now. He works so hard and he has really come a long way in the short time that we have been in Idaho. He has physical therapy, occupational therapy, and pool therapy all once a week so he is a very busy boy but it is paying off. We are so proud of him for working so hard and happy for all of the new things that he is learning. Hopefully soon he will be able to do hands and knees and sit up for more than just a minute or so.
Riley is so awesome. I had to take pictures of Riley in his pool therapy because he is doing so good at all of his therapy's but he loves pool therapy the most. His therapist, Teresa, was really thrilled to have her picture taken in her swimsuit too. (NOT!) And Haley Rae of course was her cute patient self like she always is even though it is like 100 degrees in the swimming pool bubble. I just wanted you all to see how great he is doing!
So we took Riley down to Twin Falls today to a vendor show at his therapy place. His physical therapist wanted him to try out a pony walker. Unfortunately I didn't get any pictures of him in it so I will just have to explain what it is. In the front it has straps that hold him at his chest and his trunk area and he sits on a little bicycle seat looking thing and then his feet touch the ground so he can walk. Then it has little wheels like a wheelchair so he can also push himself as he walks along. It was so cute! He was totally pushing himself with one hand and we were laughing because he was just going around in a circle but he thought it was pretty cool. I will put some pictures up here when we own one. He should have his by the end of the summer or sooner hopefully. This could be scary to see how he terrorizes his little sister when he can wheel after her.
So up here in Idaho Riley's therapists are pretty hardcore. They work him pretty much until he is really really fussy or crying, which is good, because he needs it. Since we've moved up here Riley has been learning so much new stuff. He has started to scoot a little bit and he will even stay up on his hands and knees for longer than a few seconds. So Daddy's new favorite thing to do with him is to put him on his knees in the bath tub because he will sit there and pat the tub and stay up there for a long time. We are so proud of him and can't wait for the day that he is standing on his own for longer than a few seconds! Hooray Riley!
Haley already thinks of herself as Riley's boss. So she thinks that she needs to help Daddy with Riley in the bath tub. And then she likes to rub the water all over her hair. She is usually soaked before she even gets in the bath. But what can you do right? She is the boss of me too so I don't have any say in it. Also Riley has started rolling over in the bath tub and he loves to play on his tummy in there. So Daddy thought it would be funny one day to stick the rinsing cup on his head while he was on his tummy. We do weird stuff I guess. Sorry about the bum shot!
I am a mommy! I have a husband named Clint who is a Conservation Officer which is just a glorified name for a Game Warden for the Idaho Department of Fish and Game. I have three kids, the first is Riley Everett. He loves his daddy! He is my special little love with all of his therapy and doctors appointments for his seizures and cerebral palsy. My other child is Haley Rae. She thinks that she runs the house. (Okay she does). She is our saving grace we like to say because she helps us keep some of our sanity with our other one. Our third is Cooper Malcom. He was born in 2010 and is such a cutie pie! He is also going to be our one we have to watch very closely! My hobbies are scrapbookng, playing the piano, snowboarding, and I love to cook new recipes.