Wednesday, September 17, 2008


We love popcorn! This was our night for treats at Danielle's and we had popcorn and carmel apples. Riley loved to watch it pop and Haley loved to eat it! (she is my girl!)

Clint's POST Graduation

Well after 10 weeks of loneliness Clint finally graduated from POST academy. And we learned our lesson that those types of things are not for kids! Our kids were about bored out of their minds! But he looked good and he ended up 4Th in his class in the whole academy and he was 1st amongst all of the fish and game guys. We were very proud of him! Good job daddy!

Playing Dress Up

Sami, Emily and Kaylee loved to play dress up when we lived there and they decided that Haley needed to dress up with them too. They brought her down and she was just showing off like a professional. Little cutie!

Shaving with Daddy

So Clint one evening decided it would be funny if he put some shaving cream on Haley's face and pretend like they were shaving together. It was pretty cute though. She thought it was funny!

Haley's 1st Birthday Party

Here is our little one year old on her birthday! I couldn't believe that she was one! She loved her presents which included clothes, a pull along doggy, a telephone, some books and various other things I can't remember now. And she loved her pink tinkerbell cake which you can see!

Rogers Family Reunion Cont..

Here are some more pictures from the reunion. The top one is everyone in their helmets getting ready to race. After that day Haley and Riley were so pooped that they just fell fast asleep on the way back to the campsite. Cuties! Riley of course fell asleep wherever he could which happeend to be in the middle of lunch in his stroller but luckily daddy slipped his ear plugs in right before he fell asleep. And Haley finally was drinking out of a sippy cup! She was so attached to her bottle back then.

Rogers Family Reunion

Okay so I realize it has been forever since I have posted anything on my blog but we finally got into our own house and I can work things out a lot better on my own computer so I have a lot of catching up to do! We'll start with the Rogers family reunion which was the first week of June this year. We went to Nat-soo-pah which is a hot springs and camping area. It was freezing cold that week! We still had a lot of fun though. We went swimming and to Nazzkart which is a place with race cars, rock climbing, batting cages, and all of that fun stuff. We also went bowling and went and saw Prince Caspian. It was a very fun week. This is grandpa Rogers with the two girl grandchildren in the family, Chelease and Haley Rae.
Here is daddy and Riley in their Rogers family reunion shirts that they made.
Here is Clint rock climbing. He was telling me to hurry up so that he could come back down!
Here is Vona in her hair net that went under the helmets for the car racing. She looks funny!
Here is Riley rock climbing. What a big boy!